Getting started

You can download the package using npm by running:

$ npm install advanced-mark.js --save-dev

A dist directory contains files:

  • mark.js
  • mark.min.js
  • mark.es6.js
  • mark.es6.min.js
  • jquery.mark.js
  • jquery.mark.min.js
  • jquery.mark.es6.js
  • jquery.mark.es6.min.js
  • node.jquery.mark.es6.js for use in Virtual DOMs (contains necessary import $ from 'jquery' declaration)
TypeScript declaration files
  • mark.d.js
  • mark.es6.d.js
  • jquery.mark.es6.d.js
  • node.jquery.mark.es6.d.js


To include library in web page just add:

<script src="path/to/mark.js"></script>

Note:the library requires UTF-8 encoding and may needs adding charset attribute:

<script src="path/to/mark.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


There are four API methods:

  • mark() - to highlight custom terms
  • markRegExp() - to highlight custom regular expressions
  • markRanges() - to highlight ranges with a start and length properties (of text or lines with markLines option)
  • unmark() - to remove highlights


API methods called on an instance object. To initialize a new instance, you have to use:

var instance = new Mark(context);

where context can be:

  • a single element get by e.g. document.getElementById() or document.querySelector()
  • a NodeList get by e.g. document.querySelectorAll()
  • an array containing multiple single elements (Note that internally the array is sorted by the element position in the document)
  • a string selector (internally calls document.querySelectorAll())


API methods called on every jQuery element:
