
The performance results in Firefox compare to mark.js v8.11.1:

markRegExp() method, acrossElements : true; marked words 3000

library size 100KB size 200KB size 500KB size 1MB
mark.js ~350 ms. ~680 ms. ~1700 ms. ~2800 ms.
this ~30 ms. ~35 ms. ~45 ms. ~60 ms.

the same without acrossElements option; marked words 3000

library size 100KB size 200KB size 500KB size 1MB
mark.js ~30 ms. ~40 ms. ~70 ms. ~110 ms.
this ~30 ms. ~35 ms. ~40 ms. ~50 ms.

markRanges() method, marked ranges - 3000

library size 100KB size 200KB size 500KB size 1MB
mark.js ~220 ms. ~350 ms. ~970 ms. ~1700 ms.
this ~36 ms. ~40 ms. ~51 ms. ~60 ms.

unmark() method, mark elements - 34500, size 1MB; mark time Firefox & Chrome - ~360 ms

library Firefox Chrome
mark.js ~1200 ms. ~1300 ms.
this ~210 ms. ~630 ms.

Ways to boost performance

Related highlighting a (especially) large array of strings or string with the separateWordSearch option.
A mark() method highlights an array item by item, e.g. an array of 10 items is run 10 times. It isn't efficient.

There are two options to boost performance :

  • combinePatterns : combines given numbers of RegExp patterns into a single pattern, e.g. an array of 50 strings, combinePatterns : 10 - creates 5 combine patterns, so instead of 50 runs there are only 5 runs. Any number bigger than the array length or Infinity creates a single combined pattern. Note: with diacritics option, a single pattern can be monstrous and more slowly, it's better to create 5-7 patterns (it's probably related to a processor cache).
    Also, this option prevents highlighting inside already highlighted elements, but it only true for single combined pattern.

  • cacheTextNodes : collecting text nodes information on every run is expensive. Caching this information improves performance with a large array. The performance gain gradually grows, starting with an array containing 2-3 items and doubled with 4-5 items.
      Note: this option does not change behavior as the combinePatterns option does. It can be used with existing code to improve performance.

In Firefox marking an array of 500 words on a 1 MB page, 26500 text nodes, diacritics : false and ~7600 highlighted words :

  • with combinePatterns : Infinity ~0.2 second. (single pattern)
  • with cacheTextNodes option ~4.2 sec.
  • with cacheTextNodes and acrossElements options ~1 sec.
  • with acrossElements options ~21 sec.
  • without above options ~19 sec.

The same with diacritics:

  • with combinePatterns : Infinity ~1.8 second. (single pattern)
  • with combinePatterns : 100 ~0.4 second. (5 patterns)
instance.mark([ 'str1', 'str2', .. ], {
  'combinePatterns' : number  // or true (default number is 10)