Highlighting separate groups

Important: in this implementation two branches of code process separate groups, which one, depending on the existence of d flag.

  1. Primitive, base on indexOf(), only reliable with contiguous groups - unwanted group(s) can be easily filtered out.
  2. Exact, but not all browsers currently supported group indices.
  • Case without wrapAllRanges option:
    • They both have identical logic for nested groups - if a parent group has been marked, there is no way to mark nested groups.
      This means you can use a nested group(s) as auxiliary and don't care about filtering them.
  • Case wrapAllRanges : true:
    • With acrossElements option, the primitive one wrap a whole match as a group 0 and then all groups that are child of match[0] as a nested (see Example).
    • The exact one wrap all nested groups - you need to filter nested an auxiliary group(s).

They have different parent groups logic:

  • The exact one does allow using a parent group as an auxiliary - you need to filter out it in order to mark a nested group(s).
  • The primitive one does not allow this - if a parent group has filtered out, a nested group(s) won't be marked.

To test the primitive branch compatibility, just add the d flag.

There is no strict requirement for the contiguity of capturing groups.
Compare: string - 'AAB xxx BCD xx BC', to mark groups AB and BC

  • in /(AB)\b.+?\b(BC)/g the indexOf('BC', start) find first 'BC', which is correct
  • in /(AB)\b(.+?)\b(BC)(?!D)/g the indexOf('BC', start) also find first 'BC', which is wrong, because of condition '(?!D)', so group 2 is required.

Warning: related using RegExp without the d flag:

  • Do not add a capturing group(s) to lookbehind assertion (?<=), there is no code which handles such cases.
  • With acrossElements option, it is not possible to highlight a capturing group(s) inside a lookahead assertion (?=).

See markRegExp() method about info object properties used in filter and each callbacks.
How to filter matches see Filtering matches.
How to highlight nesting groups see Nesting groups.

Filtering capturing groups:

instance.markRegExp(/(AB)\b(.+)\b(?<gr3>CD)?(.+)(EF)\b/gi, {
    // 'acrossElements' : true,
    'separateGroups' : true,
    'filter' : (textNode, matchString, matchesSoFar, info) => {
        // To filter any group use info.groupIndex - a current group index
        // Note: if a group lays across several elements, the index be the same while a group is wrapping
        if (info.groupIndex === 2 || info.groupIndex === 4) return false;

        // also can be used a group content
       // if (matchString === 'AB') return  false;

        // To filter a whole match on a group presence
        // Note: it iterates through all groups and only then returns
        if (info.match[3]) return true/false;
        // or
        // also can be used a named capturing group
        if (info.match.groups.gr3) return  true/false;

        return  true;

Example to mark separate groups with acrossElements option:

let groupCount = 0, gr1Count = 0, gr2Count = 0;

instance.markRegExp(/(AB)\b.+?\b(CD)/gi, {
    'acrossElements' : true,
    'separateGroups' : true,
    'each' : (markElement, info) => {
        // info.count - matches count so far
        // if start of match group
        if (info.groupStart) {
            // all group count
            // info.groupIndex is the index of a current match group
            if (info.groupIndex === 1) {
                markElement.className = 'group1-1';

            } else if (info.groupIndex === 2) {
                markElement.className = 'group2-1';

Example to mark separate groups without acrossElements option:

let count = 0, gr1Count = 0;

instance.markRegExp(/(AB).+?(CD)/gi, {
    'separateGroups' : true,
    'each' : (markElement, info) => {
        // all group count
        if (info.groupIndex === 1) {
            // an individual group count